Lista Compagnie
- //commentout
- 100 GAMES
- 1047 Games
- 10:10 Games
- 11 bit studios
- 110 Industries
- 18Light Game
- 1C Entertainment
- 1C Game Studios
- 1st Playable Productions
- 2 Odd Diodes
- 22cans
- 24 Entertainment
- 2Awesome Studio
- 2K Games
- 2P Games
- 2pt Interactive
- 31st Union
- 333Studios
- 343 Industries
- 34BigThings
- 38 Studios
- 3909 LLC
- 3D Realms
- 3DClouds
- 3Mind Games
- 3goo
- 4A Games
- 4Divinity
- 4J Studios
- 505 Games
- 505 Pulse
- 59 Studio
- 5minlab
- 5pb.
- 663 Games
- 6th Sense Games
- 70`Strike
- A Grumpy Fox
- A+ Games
- A44 Games
- ACE Entertainment
- ACE Team
- AN Productions
- AOne Games
- APlus Games
- AT-AT Games
- Absolutely Game
- Acme Gamestudio
- Acquire
- Action Square
- Activision
- AdHoc Studio
- Adam Teo
- Adglobe
- Aeria Games and Entertainment
- Aerial_Knight
- Aesir Interactive
- Aeternum Game Studios
- Aether Studios
- Afil Games
- Agate
- Aggro Crab
- Airo Games
- Airship Syndicate
- Akatsuki Games
- Aksys Games
- Akupara Games
- Alawar Premium
- Alblune
- Alchemist Interactive
- Alcon Entertainment
- Alcon Media Group
- Alfa System
- Alientrap
- Alkimia Interactive
- All Parts Connected
- All Possible Future
- All in! Games
- Alliance
- Alliance Arts
- Alphawing
- Alpheratz
- Alt Shift
- Altered Matter
- Amanita Design
- Amazon Games
- Amber Studio
- Amplifier Game Invest
- Amplitude Studios
- Amuzo
- Ancient Forge Studio
- Andrew Teo
- Andriy Bychkovskyi
- Angel Matrix
- Angry Demon Studio
- Angry Mob Games
- Anima Project
- Animu Game
- Aniplex
- Annapurna Interactive
- Anshar Studio
- Antimatter Games
- Apogee Entertainment
- Apollosoft
- Appci
- Appeal Studios
- Applibot
- Apptivus
- Aquiris Game Studios
- Aquria
- Arc Games
- Arc System Works
- Archangel Studios
- Archetype Entertainment
- Areazero
- Argonaut Games
- Arkane Studios
- Armonica
- Armor Games Studios
- Arrowhead Game Studios
- Arrowiz
- ArtPlay
- Artax Games
- Artdink Corporation
- Artefacts Studio
- Artificer
- Artisan Studios
- Asamado Games
- Ascendant Studios
- Ashborne Games
- Asobo Studio
- Aspyr Media
- Assemble Entertainment
- Assoupi
- Asteroid-J
- Astrolabe Games
- Astrolabe Interactive
- Atari
- Ateam
- Atelier Mimina
- Atelier QDB
- Atmos Games
- Atomic Jelly
- Auroch Digital
- Aurogon Shangai
- Aurora Punks
- Aurora Studio
- Autoexec Games
- Autumn Games
- Autumn Pioneer
- Avalanche Software
- Avalanche Studios
- Avantgarden Games
- Awaceb
- Awaken Realms
- Awe Interactive
- Axolot Games
- B.B. Studio
- BKOM Studios
- Baby Robot Games
- Bad Guitar Studio
- Bad Robot Games
- Bad Vices Games
- BadLand Publishing
- BadMudStudio
- Badgerhammer
- Badland Games
- Balancing Monkey Games
- Balio Studio
- Ballistic Moon
- Ballo Studio
- Balloon Studios
- Bamtang Games
- Bandai Namco
- Bandai Namco Online
- Bandai Namco Studios
- Baroque Decay Games
- BattleBrew Productions
- BeXide
- Beam Team Games
- Beamdog
- Beenox
- Beethoven and Dinosaur
- Behaviour Interactive
- Bellring Games
- Ben Esposito
- Bennett Foddy
- BerserkBoy Games
- Besto Game Team
- BetaJester
- Betagames Group
- Bethesda Game Studios
- Bethesda Softworks
- Big Sugar
- Big Village Games
- Bigben Interactive
- Bilibili
- Billy Goat Entertainment
- Binary Haze Interactive
- BioWare
- Bird Bath Games
- Bit Kid
- Bit Loom
- Bitbox
- Bithell Games
- Bitmap Galaxy
- Bitwave Games
- Black Drakkar Games
- Black Forest Games
- Black Isle Studios
- Black Mermaid
- Black Salt Games
- Black Tabby Games
- Black Tower Basement
- Black Tusk Studios
- Black Wings Game Studio
- Blackbird Interactive
- Blacklight Interactive
- Blastmode
- Blazing Griffin
- Bleakmill
- Bleem!
- Blind Squirrel Entertainment
- BlitWorks
- Blizzard Entertainment
- Bloober Team
- Bloodius Games
- Blowfish Studios
- Blue Byte
- Blue Manchu
- BlueTwelve Studios
- Bluepoint Games
- Blueside
- Blumhouse Games
- BocchiNeko
- Bohemia Interactive
- Bokeh Games Studio
- Boltrend Games
- Bolverk Games
- Bombservice
- Bonsai Collective
- Borealys Games
- Boss Team Games
- BossAlien
- Bossa Games
- Bounding Box Software
- Brace Yourself Games
- BrainDead Broccoli
- Brainwash Gang
- Brass Token
- Brave At Night
- Brave Lamb Studio
- Bread Panda
- Breakfirst Games
- Brimstone Games
- Broadside Games
- Broken Bird Games
- Broken Spear
- Buckshot Software
- Bugbear Entertainment
- Build a Rocket Boy
- Bulkhead Interactive
- Bullets
- Bulwark Studios
- Bungie Studios
- Bushiroad
- Bushiroad Games
- Busy Toaster Games
- Butterscotch Shenanigans
- Byte Barrel
- Byterunners Game Studio
- Bytten Studio
- C Prompt Games
- C2 Game Studio
- CABO Studio
- CD Projekt Red
- CE-Asia
- CI Games
- CRT Games
- CULT Games
- Caged Element
- Calappa Games
- Calligram Studio
- Camelot Software Planning
- Camouflaj
- Canari Games
- Candleman Games
- Capcom
- Capricia Productions
- CaptureAge
- Capybara Games
- Caracal Games
- Caramel Column
- Carbon Machina
- Cartoon Network Games
- Casey Donnellan Games
- Casper Croes
- Castle Pixel
- Casus Ludi
- Cattle Call
- Cellar Door Games
- Cellbit
- Challengers Games
- Chamaleon Games
- Chance Agency
- Channel 3 Entertainment
- Chaosmonger Studio
- ChaoticBrain Studio
- Chara-Ani
- Chashu Entertainment
- Chasing Rats Games
- Chibig Studio
- Chicken Launcher
- Chief Rebel
- Chillin' Wolf
- Chime Corporation
- Chimera Entertainment
- Chiron Corporation
- Choice Provisions
- Chorus Worldwide
- Chrono Studio
- ChronoJuvenile
- Chucklefish
- Circle 5 Publishing
- Circle 5 Studios
- Citadel Studios
- Clapperheads
- Claudiu Kiss
- Clauudiu Kiss
- Claymatic
- Claymore Game Studios
- Claytechworks
- Clear River Games
- Clever Plays
- Clifftop Games
- Climax Studios
- Clock Out Games
- ClockStone Studio
- Clouded Leopard Entertainment
- Cloudhead Games
- Clover Bites
- Coal Supper
- Coatsink
- Cococumber
- Coconut Island Games
- Codeglue
- Codemasters
- Coffee Stain North
- Coffee Stain Publishing
- Coffee Stain Studios
- Coffeenauts
- Coin Crew Games
- Cold Iron Studios
- Cold Symmetry
- ColePowered Games
- Colopl
- Color Gray Games
- Colorful Palette
- Colossal Order
- Comp-3 Interactive
- Compile Heart
- Complex Games
- Compulsion Games
- ConcernedApe
- Conradical Games
- CookieDev
- Copychaser Games
- Core Engage
- Corecell Technology
- Cornfox and Brothers
- Cortez Productions
- Cosmo Machia
- Cosmonaut Studios
- Counterplay Games
- Cozy Game Pals
- Crackshell
- Cradle Games
- Craft Egg
- Crania Games
- Crave Entertainment
- Crazy Goat Games
- Crazy Viking Studios
- Create Entertainment
- Creative Games and Computer Graphics Corporation
- CreativeForge Games
- Creazn Studio
- Creepy Jar
- Crema
- Crim
- Crimson Dusk
- Crinkle Cut Games
- Criterion Games
- Critical Hit Games
- Critical Reflex
- Critical Slash
- Critical Wit
- Croteam
- Crowbar Collective
- Crows Crows Crows
- Crunching Koalas
- Crunchyroll Games
- Cryptic Studios
- Crypton Future Media
- Crystal Dynamics
- Crytek
- Crytivo
- Curve Digital
- Curve Games
- Cyanide Studio
- CyberAgent
- CyberConnect2
- Cybernate
- Cygames
- D-techno
- D3 Publisher
- DANGEN Entertainment
- DDDistortion
- DX Gameworks
- Daedalic Entertainment
- Daisy Games
- Dambuster Studios
- Dancing Dragon Games
- Daniel Mullins Games
- Daniel Wynne
- Dark Pigeon Games
- Dark Point Games
- Datadyne
- David Wehle
- DeNA
- Dead Mage
- DeadToast Entertainment
- Deadbolt Interactive
- Deadpan Games
- Dear Villagers
- Deathless Games
- Deck Nine Games
- Deck13
- Deck13 Spotlight
- Dee Dee Creations
- Deep Field
- Deep Silver
- Deep Silver Fishlabs
- Deep Water Studio
- DeerFarm
- Degica Games
- Dejima
- DelightWorks
- Demagog Studio
- Denkiworks
- Deppnight Games
- Design Factory
- Destructive Creations
- DevM Games
- Devata Game Production
- Developer Digital
- Devespresso Games
- Devolver Digital
- Diala Studios
- Diego Ras
- Different Sense Games
- Different Tales
- Digerati
- Digital Continue
- Digital Cybercherries
- Digital Eclipse
- Digital Extremes
- Digital Happiness
- Digital Leisure
- Digital Mind
- Digital Sun
- Digital Tales
- Digixart Entertainment
- Dillion Rogers
- Dimfrost Studio
- Dimps
- Dingaling Productions
- Disaster Games
- Disney Games
- Disney Interactive
- Dlala Studios
- DogHowl Games
- Dogubomb
- Dojo System
- Domesticated Ant Games
- Donkey Crew
- Dontnod Entertainment
- DotEmu
- Double Dagger Studio
- Double Damage Games
- Double Eleven
- Double Fine Productions
- Double Stallion Games
- DoubleDutch Games
- Douze Dixiemes
- Dovetail Games
- Dragami Games
- Dragonest
- Drakhar Studio
- Drakkar Dev
- Dramatic Iceberg
- Dramatic Labs
- Draw Distance
- DreadXP
- DreamRift
- Dreamate
- Dreamlit Games
- Dreamloop Games
- Dreams Uncorporated
- Dreamside Interactive
- Drecom
- Drop Bear Bytes
- Dual Effect
- Duality Games
- Dumativa
- Duoyi Interactive Entertainment
- Duper Games
- Dusklight Games
- Dynamic Pixels
- E-Line Media
- EA Tiburon
- ECC Games
- ESDigital Games
- Eallin Japan
- EastAsiaSoft
- Easy Day Studios
- EasyGameStation
- Ebb Software
- Echtra Games
- Eclipse Glow Games
- Edelweiss
- Eden Games
- Edmund McMillen
- EggNut
- Eggtart
- Eidos Montreal
- Eighting
- Eko Software
- Elden Pixels
- Electric Saint
- Electronic Arts
- Eleventh Hour Games
- Elf Games
- Eli Segal
- Embark Studios
- Ember Lab
- Emberheart Games
- Emberstorm Entertainment
- Emerald City Games
- Empty Clip Studios
- Endless Fluff Games
- Endnight Games
- Endroad
- Engine Software
- Enhance Games
- Enish
- Enjoy Studio
- Ephemera
- Epic Games
- Epic Games Publishing
- Erik Rempen
- Ernestas Norvaišas
- Eugen Systems
- Evening Star
- Event Horizon
- Everstone Studio
- Evil Empire
- Evil Raptor
- Exalted Studio
- Exbleative
- Excalibur Games
- Exit 73 Studios
- Experience
- Experiment 101
- Experiment 7
- FDG Entertainment
- FYQD Studio
- Fabraz
- Facepunch Studios
- Fahrenheit 213
- Fair Play Studios
- Fallen Leaf
- Fallen Tree Games
- Fangamer
- Far From Home
- Far Out Games
- Fast Travel Games
- Fatbot Games
- Fatshark
- Feardemic Games
- Federico Moreno Breser
- Felistella
- Felix Schade
- Fellow Traveller
- Fennec Studio
- Fepard Games
- Feperd Games
- Feral Interactive
- Fiddlesticks Games
- Fifth Harbour Studios
- Fika Productions
- Final Strike Games
- Finish Line Games
- Finite Reflection Studios
- Finji
- Firaxis Games
- Fire & Frost
- Firefly Studios
- Fireline Games
- Fireplace Games
- Fireshine Games
- Firesprite Games
- Firesquid Games
- Firestoke
- Firewalk Studios
- First Break Labs
- First Contact Entertainment
- First Studio
- First Watch Games
- Fishing Cactus
- Five Stars Game
- Flaming Fowl Studios
- Flat2VR Studios
- Flazm
- Floor 84 Studio
- Floppy Club
- Flux Games
- Flyhigh Works
- Flying Oak Games
- Flying Wild Hog
- Fntastic
- Foam Sword Games
- Focus Entertainment
- Fool's Theory
- Foreign Gnomes
- Forever Entertainment
- Forgotten Empires
- Forthright Entertainment
- Fossil Games
- FourExo Entertainment
- Fragaria
- Frechou Games
- Free Lives
- Free Range Games
- Freebird Games
- Freedom Games
- Freejam
- FreetimeStudio
- French Bread
- Frictional Games
- Frima Studio
- Frogwares
- FromSoftware
- Front Wing
- Frontier Aja
- Frontier Developments
- Frontier Foundry
- Frontier Works
- Frost Giant Studios
- Frozen District
- Frozenbyte
- FuRyu
- Full Circle
- Fulqrum Games
- Fulqrum Publishing
- Fumi Games
- Fun Dog Studios
- Funcom
- Funomena
- Funselektor Labs
- Funsolve
- Furcula
- Furniture and Mattress
- FuturLab
- Future Cat
- Future Friends Games
- FuzzyBot
- G Choice
- G.rev
- G2 Studios
- GIANTS Software
- GSC Game World
- Gabe Cuzzillo
- Gaijin Entertainment
- Galaxy Grove
- GalaxyTrail
- Galvanic Games
- Gambrinous
- Game Arts
- Game Freak
- Game Island
- Game Pill
- Game Science
- Game Source Studio
- Game Studio
- Game Swing
- Game*Spark Publishing
- GameChanger Studio
- GameHunters
- GameLoop
- GameMill Entertainment
- GameMunchers
- GameZoo Studio
- Gamecom Team
- Gameforge
- Gameloft
- Gamera Games
- Gamera Interactive
- Gamersky Games
- Gami Studio
- Gaming Factory
- Gaming Minds Studios
- Gamious
- Gammera Nest
- Ganbarion
- Gatera Studio
- Gearbox Publishing
- Gearbox Software
- Gemdrops
- General Arcade
- Genius Sonority
- Genki
- Genvid
- Geometric Interactive
- Ghost Games
- Ghost Ship Games
- Ghost Ship Publishing
- Ghost Story Games
- Ghost Town Games
- Ghostlight
- Ghosts
- Giant Sparrow
- Giant Squid
- Glass Bottom Games
- Glee-Cheese Studio
- Glimmer Studio
- Glitch Factory
- Glitch Pitch
- Glob Games Studio
- Glowfish Interactive
- Glowmade
- Glowstick Entertainment
- Goat Gamez
- Goblinz Publishing
- GoldFire Studios
- Good Shepherd Entertainment
- Good Smile Company
- Good-Feel
- Goodwin Games
- Gotcha Gotcha Games
- Graffiti Games
- Granzella
- Grasshopper Manufacture
- Gratesca Studio
- Grayfax Software
- Green Man Gaming
- Grenaa Games
- Greylock Studio
- Grimlore Games
- Grimorio of Games
- Grinding Gear Games
- Grindstone
- Groove Box Japan
- Ground Shatter
- Grounding, Inc.
- Grove Street Games
- Gruby Entertainment
- Grumpyface Studios
- Guerrilla Games
- Gun Interactive
- Gunfire Games
- GungHo Online Entertainment
- Gungrounds
- Gunzilla Games
- Gust
- HAL Laboratory
- HB Studios
- HON Team
- Hack The Publisher
- Hadoque
- Haemimont Games
- Halberd Studios
- Half Mermaid
- Half Past Yellow
- Halfbrick Studios
- Hamster Corporation
- Hanako Games
- HandyGames
- Hangar 13
- Happinet
- Happy Broccoli Games
- Happy Juice Games
- Happymeal
- Hardlight
- Harebrained Schemes
- Hashbane Interactive
- Haven Studio
- Hawkswell
- Hawthorn Games
- Hazelight Studios
- Headless Chicken
- Headlight Studio
- Headup Games
- Headware Games
- Heart Machine
- Hekate
- Helder Pinto
- Hello Games
- Hello There Games
- Hero Concept
- Hero Games
- HeroCraft PC
- Herobeat Studios
- Hexworks Studios
- Hexy Studio
- Hi-Bit Studios
- Hi-Rez Studios
- Hidden Variable
- Highwire Games
- Hinterland Studio
- Hitodenashi no Kuukan
- Hojo Games
- Hollow Ponds
- Hologryph
- Holy Wow Studios
- Honey Parade Games
- Hooded Horse
- Hooded House
- Hopoo Games
- Hot Chili Games
- Hotta Studio
- Hound Picked Games
- Housemarque
- Hugecalf Studios
- Human Head Studios
- Humble Games
- Humble Grove
- Humble Mill
- Hungry Couch
- Hutlihut Games
- Huya Games
- HypeTrain Digital
- Hyper Games
- HyperMegaPixel
- Hyperbolic Magnetism
- Hyperstrange
- Hyppo Wombat
- ININ Games
- IO Interactive
- ITEM42
- Ice Code Games
- Ice-Pick Lodge
- Iceberg Interactive
- Iceflake Studios
- Icesitruuna
- Ichthys
- Idea Factory
- IllFonic
- ImCyan
- Image and Form Games
- Imagineer
- Implausible Industries
- Impossible
- InXile Entertainment
- Incuvo
- Indefaticable
- Indie-us Games
- IndieArk
- Indigo Studios
- Indoor Astronaut
- Infinite Fall
- Infinity Ward
- Inflexion Games
- Infold Games
- Infuse Studio
- InnerSloth
- Insomniac Games
- Intelligent Systems
- Interactive Stone
- Intercept Games
- Interplay Entertainment
- Inti Creates
- Introversion Software
- Invader Studios
- Inverge Studios
- Inzanity
- Iron Galaxy
- Iron Gate Studios
- IronOak Games
- Ironbird Creations
- Ironwood Studios
- Irregular Shapes
- Ivy Road
- IzanagiGames
- J. R. Hudepohl
- JSL Entertainment
- JUSTDAN International
- Jacob Dzwinel
- Jade Ember Studios
- James Bendon
- James Interactive
- Jan Willem Nijman
- Jankenteam
- Jaw Drop Games
- Jo-Mei Games
- Joey Drew Studios
- Johnbell
- Jollybits Games
- Josh Bush
- JoyBits
- JoyMasher
- JoySteak Studios
- Joystick Ventures
- Jukai Studio
- Jump Over the Age
- Jumpgate
- Jupiter Corporation
- Just Add Water
- Just For Games
- Just2D
- Jyamma Games
- KLabGames
- KT Racing
- Kabam Games
- Kadokawa Corporation
- Kadokawa Game Linkage
- Kadokawa Games
- Kairosoft
- Kaizen Game Works
- Kakao Games
- Kakehashi Games
- Kalypso Media
- Kaminari Games
- Kamotachi
- Kanata Lab
- Kappa Bits
- Karaclan
- Karakuri-ism
- Kasedo Games
- Kazuhide Oka
- KeelWorks
- Keen Software House
- Kemco
- Kenei Design
- KeokeN Interactive
- Kepler Ghost
- Kepler Interactive
- Key
- Kid Onion Studio
- KillPixel
- Kinetic Games
- KingnaGame
- KingsIsle Entertainment
- Kitty Calis
- Kiwi Walks
- Klabater
- Klei Entertainment
- Knight Shift Games
- Knights Peak
- Knights of Borria
- Kodansha
- Koei Tecmo
- Kojima Productions
- Konami
- Kostas Skiftas
- Kou Shibusawa
- Krillbite Studio
- Krome Studios
- Kruger and Flint Productions
- Kumi Souls Games
- Kunos Simulazioni
- Kuro Game
- Kwalee
- Kyle Thompson
- LEGO Games
- LEVEL5 comcept
- LINE Corporation
- LINE Games
- La Grange
- La Moutarde
- Label This
- Labrador Studios
- Lancarse
- LandShark Games
- Landfall Games
- Larian Studios
- Lazy Bear Games
- Lazy Flock
- Le Catnip Collective
- League of Geeks
- Leap Studio
- Leenzee Games
- Leikir Studio
- Lemonade Flashbang
- Leonardo Interactive
- Leonardo Production
- Level Infinite
- Level-5
- Lifeline Game Studio
- Light Brick Studio
- LightSpeed Studios
- Lightbulb Crew
- Lightning Games
- Limbic Entertainment
- Limit Break
- Limited Run Games
- Lince Works
- Lioncode Games
- Little Chicken Game Company
- Live Wire
- Lizardcube
- Lizardry
- Lobstudio
- LocalThunk
- Long Jaunt
- Long Way Home
- Loren Lemcke
- Lost Turnip
- LovePlus Production
- Lovely Hellplace
- Lucasfilm Games
- Lucid Dreams Studio
- Lucid Tales
- Ludosity
- Lululu Entertainment
- Luminawesome Games
- Luminous Productions
- Luna2 Studio
- Lunar Software
- Lunarch Studios
- M2
- MD Games
- MDHR Studio
- MK Studios
- MNSTR Studio
- MS Games
- MWM Interactive
- Maborashi Artworks
- Macaron Studio
- MachineGames
- Mad Head Games
- MadLight
- Madmind Studio
- Magic Design Studios
- Magic Pockets
- Magicfish Games
- Magnus Games
- Majesco Entertainment
- Mameshiba Games
- Mandragora
- Mane6
- Manjuu Network Technology
- Maple Leaf Studio
- Maple Powered Games
- Marevo Collective
- Marginal Act
- MarsLit Games
- Martian Rex
- Marvelous
- Masala Games
- Masaya Games
- MassHive Media
- Massive Damage
- Massive Entertainment
- Massive Miniteam
- Massive Monster
- Matrix Software
- Matt Dabrowski
- Matt Makes Games
- Matthias Linda
- Max Inferno
- Maxi Boch
- Maximum Entertainment
- Maximum Games
- Maze Theory
- Mcfly Tech
- Mebius
- Mechanistry
- Media Molecule
- Media.Vision
- Mediascape
- Mediatonic
- Mega Cat Studios
- Mega Crit
- Mega9pixel
- MegaPixel Studio
- Megabit
- Memorable Games
- MercurySteam
- MercuryStudio
- Merge Games
- Meridiem Games
- Messhof
- Metacorp
- Metamorphosis Games
- Microbird
- Microids
- Microids Studio Lyon
- Microids Studio Paris
- Midas
- Midgar Studio
- Midwest Games
- Mighty Boy Studio
- Mighty Kingdom
- Mighty Koi
- Mighty Polygon
- Mighty Yell
- Miju Games
- Milestone
- Milky Tea
- Mimimi Games
- Minakata Dynamics
- Mindscape
- Minskworks
- Mirage Game Studios
- Mishura Games
- Mistold Games
- Mistwalker
- Misty Mountain Studio
- Mithril Interactive
- Mixed Realms
- Mobirate
- Mobius Digital
- Modern Storyteller
- Modern Wolf
- Modoyo
- Modus Games
- Modus Studios
- Modus Studios Brazil
- MoeNovel
- Mogu
- Moi Rai Games
- Mojang Studios
- Mojiken Studio
- Molegato
- Mommy's Best Games
- Momo-Pi Game Studio
- Monkey Moon
- Mono Entertainment
- Monolith Soft
- Monomi Park
- Monstars
- Monster Bath Games
- Monster Couch
- Monster and Monster
- Monumental Collab
- Moon Lagoon
- Moon Studios
- MoonHood
- Moonana Games
- Moonless Formless
- Moonlit
- Moonwalk Games
- Mopeful Games
- MoreFun Studios
- Mortis Ghost
- Mossmouth
- Mothership Entertainment
- Motion Blur Studio
- Motion Twin
- Motive Studios
- Mottzy
- Mouldy Toof Studios
- Mountain Contour
- Mountaintop
- Movie Games
- Moving Pieces Interactive
- Moyuwan Games
- Mr. Nutz Studio
- Mr. Tired Media
- Mundfish
- Mureena
- Muse Games
- MyDearest
- NCsoft Corporation
- NEKCOM Games
- NExT Studios
- NIS America
- Nabi Studios
- Nacon
- Nacon Studio Ghent
- Nacon Studio Milan
- Nakama Game Studio
- Naked Rain
- Nameless Sword Studio
- Nano Park Studios
- Nao Games
- Naps Team
- Naraven Games
- Natsume
- Natsume Atari
- NaturalMotion
- Naughty Dog
- Navegante Entertainment
- Navigator Games
- Nearga
- Neat Corporation
- Necrosoft
- Neilo
- Nekki
- NeoBards Entertainment
- NeocoreGames
- Neon Doctrine
- Neople
- Neowiz Games
- Nerial
- NetEase Games
- Netflix
- NetherRealm Studios
- Netmarble Games
- New Blood Interactive
- Newcore Games
- Nexon
- Nexon Games
- Next Level Games
- Next in Game
- Niantic
- Nicalis
- Nicolas Meyssonnier
- Night School Studio
- Nightdive Studios
- Nihon Falcom
- Nimble Giant Entertainment
- Nine Dots Studio
- Ninja Theory
- Nintendo
- Nippon Ichi Software
- Nitrome
- Nitroplus
- Nixxes Software
- No Brakes Games
- No Code
- No Matter Studios
- No More Robots
- Nodding Heads Games
- Nomada Studio
- Nordcurrent Labs
- Nordic Trolls
- Norsfell
- North Beach Games
- North Star Video Games
- Northway Games
- Notorious Studios
- Novarama
- Now Productions
- Nox Noctis
- Nuggets Entertainment
- Nukefist
- Null Games
- Numskull Games
- Nuuvem
- Nuverse
- O.T.K Games
- OPNeon Games
- OSome Studio
- OTA IMON Studio
- Obsidian Entertainment
- Ocean Drive Studio
- Ocellus Studio
- Octeto Studios
- Oculus Studios
- Odaclick Game Studio
- Odd Bug Studio
- Odd Meter
- Oddworld Inhabitants
- Odencat
- Odyssey Interactive
- Offbrand Games
- Offworld Industries
- OhDear Studio
- Oiffy
- Oimoland
- Oizumi Amuzio
- Okomotive
- Old Skull Games
- Omeda Studios
- Omega Force
- Omega Intertainment
- One Eyed Robot
- One More Level
- Onion Games
- Ontario Creates
- Orange
- Orbital Express
- Orgesta
- Orteil
- Other Ocean Interactive
- OtherSide Entertainment
- Otomate
- Ouka Studios
- Out of the Blue
- Outright Games
- Over The Moon
- OverBorder Studio
- OverPowered Team
- Overflow
- Overkill Software
- Overkill Studio
- Overloop Games
- Ovid Works
- Ovosonico
- Owlcat Games
- Owned by Gravity
- Oxide Games
- Ozysoft
- PHL Collective
- PID Games
- PM Studios
- PQube
- PUBG Studios
- Paleo
- Pancake Games
- Panic
- Paper Castle
- Paper Cult
- Paperboy Games
- Papergames
- Parabole
- Paradox Development Studio
- Paradox Interactive
- Parallel Studio
- ParasGames
- Parcae's Fate Studio
- Party for Introverts
- Passion Republic Games
- Passtech Games
- Pastagames
- Pathea Games
- Pathos Interactive
- Paul Schnepf
- Pavonis Interactive
- Pearl Abyss
- Pendulo Studios
- People Can Fly
- Perfect Random
- Perfect World
- Perfect World Games
- Permanent Way
- Perp Games
- Pet Project Games
- Petit Depotto
- Petoons Studio
- Petroglyph Games
- Phobia Game Studio
- Phoenix Labs
- Phoenixx
- Piccolo Studio
- Picroma
- Piece of Cake Studios
- Pieces Interactive
- Piko Interactive
- Pikselnesia
- Pillow Castle Games
- Pillow Pig Games
- Pine Scented Software
- Pine Studio
- Pipapo Games
- Piranha Bytes
- Piranha Games
- Pixadome
- Pixel Arc Studios
- Pixel Perfect Dude
- Pixel Reef
- PixelHeart
- PixelHive
- Pixelated Milk
- Pixelian Studio
- Pixelsplit
- Pixile Studios
- Pixmain
- Pixpil
- Plane Toast
- Planet Entertainment
- PlatinumGames
- Plausible Concept
- Play by Play Studios
- Play on Worlds
- Play2Chill
- PlayMagic
- PlaySide Publishing
- PlaySide Studios
- PlayWay
- Playdead
- Player First Games
- Playful Studios
- Playground Games
- Playmestudio
- Playsaurus
- Playstack
- Playtonic Friends
- Playtonic Games
- Playtra Games
- Playwing
- Plot Twist
- Pocket Pair
- Pocketwatch Games
- Point Blank Games
- Point N' Sheep
- Pokelabo
- Polaris Quest
- Polaris Team
- Pollard Studio
- PolyCrunch Games
- PolyKnight Games
- Polyamorous
- Polychroma
- Polygon Treehouse
- Polygonomicon
- Polyphony Digital
- Polyscape
- Polytron Corporation
- PopCap Games
- Poppy Works
- Portkey Games
- Powersnake
- President Studio
- Primal Game Studio
- PrimaryOrbit
- Prime Matter
- Private Division
- Production Exabilities
- Project Cloud Games
- Project Soul
- ProjectMoon
- Protocol Games
- Prototype
- Psikyo
- Psychoflow
- Psyonix Studios
- Puff Hook Studio
- Pugstorm
- Pugware
- Puppet Combo
- Pupuya Games
- Purple Lamp Studios
- Purple Ray Studio
- Purple Tree
- Q-Games
- QUByte Interactive
- Quantic Dream
- Question
- QuickTequila
- Quite OK Games
- R-Force Entertainment
- RB Wolf Games
- ROBI Studios
- RUNWILD Entertainment
- Rabbit and Bear Studios
- Rabbitfoot
- Raccoon Logic
- RaceWard Studio
- Radiangames
- Radical Fish Games
- Radical Forge
- RageSquid
- Rain Games
- Rainbow Studios
- Rainmaker Productions
- Rainy Frog
- Raiser Games
- Ramage Games
- Randwerk
- Rare
- Ratalaika Games
- Ratata Arts
- Ratloop Games Canada
- Ravenscourt
- Raw Fury
- Raw Thrills
- Rayark
- Raylight Games
- Re-Logic
- Realmforge Studios
- Realms Distribution
- Realmsoft
- Rebel Wolves
- Rebelephant
- Rebellion Developments
- Recreate Games
- Red Art Games
- Red Barrels
- Red Beard Games
- Red Candle Games
- Red Games
- Red Hook Studios
- Red Koi Box
- Red Mountain
- Red Thread Games
- RedRuins Softworks
- RedSensation Games
- Redbeet Interactive
- Redblack Spade
- Redbound CG
- Redemption Road Games
- Redhill Games
- Redlock Studio
- Reef Entertainment
- Reflector Entertainment
- Refract
- Regista and Yeti
- Regular Studio
- Reikon Games
- Rekka Games
- Relic Entertainment
- Remedy Entertainment
- Reminisce
- Remoob
- Rendlike
- Rene Rother
- Repixel8
- Replicant D6
- Reply Game Studios
- Resistance Games
- Resolution Games
- Respawn Entertainment
- Retro Forge
- Retro Studios
- Retrovibe
- Retroware
- Revenage Games
- Revolution Software
- Richard Hogg
- RideonJapan
- RiffRaff Games
- Righteous Hammer Games
- Riot Forge
- Riot Games
- Rising Star Games
- Ritual Games
- River End Games
- Riyo Games
- Road Studio
- Robot Entertainment
- Robotality
- Rock Pocket Games
- Rocket Panda Games
- Rocket Studio
- Rocket-Engine
- RocketBrush Studio
- RocketPunch Games
- RocketWerkz
- Rockstar Dundee
- Rockstar Games
- Rockstar North
- Rocksteady Studios
- Rogue Factor
- Rogue Games
- Rogue Sun
- Rogueside
- Rokaplay
- Rokapublish
- Roll7
- Romero Games
- Room710Games
- Rooster Teeth Games
- Round 8 Studio
- Route 59
- Ruari O'Sullivan
- Runic Games
- Running with Scissors
- Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio
- SCS Software
- SFB Games
- SIE Bend Studio
- SIE Japan Studio
- SIE San Diego Studio
- SIE Santa Monica Studio
- SIRO Games
- SMG Studio
- SNK Corporation
- SWORD Team
- Saber Interactive
- Sabotage Studio
- Sad Cat Studios
- Sad Owl Studios
- Sakuba Metal Works
- SakuraGame
- Sam Barlow
- Sam Enright
- Sand Door Studio
- Sandfall Interactive
- Sandlot
- Sandman Team
- Saona Studios
- SapStaR Games
- Saroasis Studios
- Sassy Chap Games
- Savage Level
- Scape-IT AS
- Scavengers Studio
- Schell Games
- Scopely
- Score Studios
- Scott Cawthon
- Scott Games
- Scottgames
- Screaming Villains
- Seasun Games
- Seawolf Studio
- Second Dinner Studios
- Second Impact Games
- Secret Mode
- Seikei Production
- Sekai Games
- Sekai Project
- Selecta Play
- Sen
- Sengi Games
- SenseGames
- Serenity Forge
- Shadow Layer Games
- Shared Memory
- Sharkmob
- Shift Now
- Shin'en Multimedia
- Shinyuden
- ShiraVN
- Shiravune
- Shiro Games
- Shiro Unlimited
- Shueisha Games
- Silent Games
- Silver Lining Studio
- Simogo Games
- Simon Creative
- SimulaM
- Singularity Six
- Ska Studios
- Skeleton Crew Studio
- Skinny Frog
- Skipmore
- Skookum Arts
- Skrollcat Studio
- Skunkape Games
- Skybound Games
- Skydance Interactive
- Skydance New Media
- Skydevilpalm
- Skystone Games
- Skywalker HK
- Slavic Magic
- Sledgehammer Games
- Slightly Mad Studios
- Slime King Games
- Slipgate Ironworks
- Slitherine Software
- Sloclap
- Slow Bros.
- Sluggerfly
- Small Impact Games
- Smart Tale Games
- Smartly Dressed Games
- Smileaxe
- Smilegate
- SmokymonkeyS
- Snail
- Snapshot Games
- SneakyBox
- Snowcastle Games
- Sobaka Studio
- Soft Source Publishing
- Softstar Entertainment
- Softstar Technology
- Soleil
- SomaSim
- Something We Made
- Something Wicked Games
- Sometimes You
- Somi
- Sony Online Entertainment
- Sos Sosowski
- Source Technology
- Sowoke Entertainment Bureau
- Space Colony Studios
- Space Fox Games
- Speldosa Interactive
- Spellgarden Games
- Spicy Tails
- Spiderling Studios
- Spiders
- Spike Chunsoft
- Spikewave Games
- Spiral Bound Interactive
- Spiral House
- Spiral Up Games
- Splash Damage
- Splashteam
- Split Studio
- Spookulele Games
- Sports Interactive
- Squad
- Squanch Games
- Square Enix
- Square Enix Collective
- Square Enix London Mobile
- Square Glade Games
- Square Squid
- SquareHusky
- SquarePlay Games
- Stage 2 Studios
- Stairway Games
- Star Drifters
- Starbreeze Studios
- Stardock
- Starry Studio
- Starward Industries
- State of Play Games
- Statera Studio
- Steel City Interactive
- Steel Mantis
- Steel Wool Studios
- Steelkrill Studio
- Steogosoft Games
- Still Running
- Sting
- Stitch Heads Entertainment
- Stoic Studio
- Stonemaier Games
- Storm Trident
- Storm in a Teacup
- Stormind Games
- Stormteller Games
- Storybird Games
- Strange Scaffold
- Straosphere
- Strategy First
- Stray Bombay
- Stray Kite Studios
- Strelka Games
- Strictly Limited Games
- Strikerz Inc.
- Striking Distance Studios
- Stromatosoft
- Stubby Games
- Studio 2Pro
- Studio Artdink
- Studio Aurum
- Studio Doodal
- Studio Elan
- Studio Fizbin
- Studio Gobo
- Studio Iggymob
- Studio Kumiho
- Studio LARGO
- Studio Lalala
- Studio Lights
- Studio Pixel
- Studio Pixel Punk
- Studio Sai
- Studio Snowblind
- Studio Supersoft
- Studio Surgical Scalpels
- Studio Tolima
- Studio Tsuruhashi
- Studio Waterzooi
- Studio Wildcard
- Studio Zero
- StudioBando
- Stunlock Studios
- Stutter Fox Studios
- Subcult Joint
- Subset Games
- Sucker Punch Productions
- SummerClip
- Summerfall Studios
- Summitsphere
- Sumo Digital
- Sumo Leamington
- Sumo Newcastle
- Sumo Nottingham
- Sumzap
- Sunblink
- Super Evil Megacorp
- Super Mega Team
- Super Rare Originals
- Superbrothers
- Supergiant Games
- Supermassive Games
- Surgent Studios
- Survios
- Suspicious Developments
- Swag Soft Holdings
- Sweet Bandit Studios
- Synthetic Domain
- System Era Softworks
- TALESshop
- THA Limited
- THQ Nordic
- TMG Studios
- TML-Studios
- TRAGSoft
- TT Games
- TUNIC Team
- TYPE-MOON studio BB
- Tableflip Entertainment
- Tactical Adventures
- Tag of Joy
- Taito
- Take IT Studio!
- TaleWorlds Entertainment
- Talpa Games
- Tamsoft
- Tandemi
- Tango Gameworks
- Tantalus Media
- Tarsier Studios
- Tasto Alpha
- Tate Multimedia
- Tatsujin
- Tatsumaki Games
- Team ASOBI
- Team Cherry
- Team Clout
- Team Delusion
- Team GrisGris
- Team Ico
- Team Junkfish
- Team Ladybug
- Team Meat
- Team NINJA
- Team Ranger
- Team Reptile
- Team Suneat
- Team Ugly
- Team WIBY
- Team17
- Team6 Game Studios
- TeamKill Media
- TearyHand Studio
- Techland
- Technos Japan
- Teku Studios
- Telltale Games
- Tencent Games
- Tengo Project
- Tequila Works
- Teravision Games
- Terminal Reality
- Terri Vellmann
- Terrible Toybox
- Teyon
- Thatgamecompany
- The Arcade Crew
- The Astronauts
- The Bearded Ladies
- The Bearded Ladies Consulting
- The Behemoth
- The Chinese Room
- The Coalition
- The Creative Assembly
- The Dude Games
- The Dust
- The Farm 51
- The Game Atelier
- The Game Bakers
- The Game Kitchen
- The Gentlebros
- The Glory Society
- The Initiative
- The Irregular Corporation
- The MIX Games
- The Molasses Flood
- The Moonwalls
- The Outer Zone
- The Outsiders
- The Parasight
- The Pokémon Company
- The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild
- The Shady Gentlemen
- The Station
- The Swordsman Studio
- The Wild Gentlemen
- Theropods Team
- Thing Trunk
- ThinkingStars
- Thirdverse
- Thorium Entertainment
- Thousand Games
- Thousand Stars
- Three Fields Entertainment
- Three Rings
- Three Whales Studio
- Throw the warped code out
- Thunder Lotus Games
- Thunderful Games
- TiMi Studio Group
- Tic Toc Games
- Timberline Studio
- Timelock Studio
- Tin Giant
- Tindalos Interactive
- Tinogames
- Tiny Roar
- TipsWorks
- Titan Forge Games
- Toadman Interactive
- Today's Games
- Toei Animation
- Toge Productions
- Toko Midori Games
- Tokoronyori
- Tokyo RPG Factory
- Tomas Sala
- Tomorrow Corporation
- TomorrowHead Studio
- Too Kyo Games
- Top Hat Studios
- TopLitz Productions
- Torn Banner Studios
- Torture Star Video
- Torus Games
- Toukana Interactive
- Tower Five
- TowerHouse
- Toxic Dog
- Toxic Games
- Toybox
- Toydium
- Toylogic
- Toys for Bob
- Trapdoor
- Treasure
- Trepang Studios
- Treyarch
- Tri-Heart Interactive
- Trialforge Studio
- Triangle Studios
- Triband
- Tribute Games
- Trigger Happy Interactive
- Triheart Studio
- Trimuph Studios
- Triple Espresso
- Triple Hill Interactive
- Tripwire Interactive
- Tripwire Presents
- Triternion
- Triumph Studios
- Troglobytes Games
- Tuque Games
- Turn 10 Studios
- Turn Me Up Games
- TurtleBlaze
- Tuxedo Labs
- Twin Sails Interactive
- Two Point Studios
- Two Star Games
- Typhoon Studios
- UFO Interactive
- UPLAY Online
- USC Games
- Ubisoft
- Ubisoft Annecy
- Ubisoft Bordeaux
- Ubisoft Bucharest
- Ubisoft Chengdu
- Ubisoft Ivory Tower
- Ubisoft Mainz
- Ubisoft Milan
- Ubisoft Montpellier
- Ubisoft Montreal
- Ubisoft Nadeo
- Ubisoft Paris
- Ubisoft Quebec
- Ubisoft Red Storm
- Ubisoft San Francisco
- Ubisoft Singapore
- Ubisoft Toronto
- Ukuza
- UltiZero Games
- Ultimate Games
- Ultra Dolphin Revolution
- Unbound Creations
- Unbroken Studios
- Uncapped Games
- Undead Labs
- Undercoders
- Unfrozen
- Unicube
- United Label Games
- Unknown Worlds Entertainment
- Untold Tales
- Uppercut Games
- Uprising Studios
- Upstream Arcade
- Urnique Studio
- V1 Interactive
- VEWO Interactive
- VG Entertainment
- VOID Interactive
- Vagabond
- Vaka Game Magazine
- Valkyrie Initiative
- Valve
- Vampire K.K.
- Vanillaware
- Vanimals
- Variable State
- Varsav Game Studios
- Vaulted Sky Games
- Vector Unit
- Veewo Games
- Velan Studios
- Versus Evil
- Vertigo Games
- VestGames
- Vic Game Studios
- Vicarious Visions
- Videocult
- Vigil Games
- Vile Monarch
- Villa Gorilla
- Violent Saint
- Viral Studios
- Virtual Alchemy
- Virtuos
- Visual Concepts
- VisualArts/Key
- Vixa Games
- Volcanoid
- Volition
- Voracious Games
- WB Games Montréal
- WSS playground
- Wabisabi Games
- Wales Interactive
- Walkabout Games
- Wallride
- Wanin International
- Warani Studios
- Warashi
- Warcave
- Wargaming
- Warhorse Studios
- Warner Bros. Games
- Warner Music Group
- Warpzone Studios
- WayForward Technologies
- We Create Stuff
- We're Five Games
- Weappy
- Weasel Token
- Weird Beluga Studio
- Westone Bit Entertainment
- Weta Workshop
- WhisperGames
- White Owls
- White Rabbit
- Whitethorn Games
- Whoopee Camp
- Wicked Witch
- WildTangent
- Wildboy Studios
- Wildfire Games
- WindThunder Studio
- Windup Games
- Windwalk Games
- Winning Streak Games
- Wired Dreams Studio
- Wired Productions
- Wisageni Studio
- Wishfully
- Witch Beam
- Wizard Games
- Wizards of the Coast
- Wizardsoft
- Wolcen Studio
- Wolf and Wood Interactive
- WolfEye Studios
- Wonder Games
- Wonder People
- WonderPlanet
- Wondernaut Studio
- Wonderscope
- Woodland Games
- Woodrunner Games
- World's Edge
- Worldwalker Games
- Wube Software
- X-Legend
- XD
- XSEED Games
- Xbox Game Studios
- XeloGames
- Xemono
- Xixo Games Studio
- Xsolla
- Yacht Club Games
- Yakov Butuzoff
- Yaza Games
- Yellow Brick Games
- Yogscast Games
- Young Horses
- Youyuan
- Ys Net
- Ysbryd Games
- Yuke's Future Media Creators
- Zachtronics Industries
- Zanardi and Liza
- Zarc Attack
- ZeDrimeTim
- Zelart
- ZeniMax Online Studios
- Zenmai
- Zenovia
- Zero Games Studio
- Ziggurat Interactive
- Zockrates Laboratories
- Zoetrope Interactive
- Zoink Games
- Zynga
- a la mode games
- abstraction
- age
- aheartfulofgames
- angoo
- astragon Entertainment
- bildundtonfabrik
- brika
- byteparrot
- crea-ture Studios
- dj2 Entertainment
- drass_ray
- eXtend
- emptyvessel
- f4samurai
- faxdoc
- gamigo
- h.a.n.d.
- happysquared
- hinyari9
- historia
- holo Indie
- iDreamSky
- iam8bit
- ichicolumn
- id Software
- illuCalab
- insertdisc5
- jamsanpoid
- kouri
- littleknightgames
- logicalbeat
- makaroll
- miHoYo
- moonton
- more8bit
- nDreams
- nebulajoy
- niceplay games
- oiCabie
- poncle
- quicktequila
- qureate
- refint/games
- rose-engine
- small bros
- stillalive studios
- sunnydaze
- tinyBuild
- tobspr Games
- tobyfox
- toii
- tri-Ace
- yukiarrr